Red Light Therapy
What is Red light therapy
Red light therapy, low- level laser therapy or now known as photobiomodulation had skeptics and the medical world regarded it as pseudoscience. But PBM is well based on photochemistry, cellular and molecular biology. The light is applied to areas of the body to promote healing, increase cellular energy and decreased inflammation. PBM penetrated skin, tissues and targets cellular healing. The lights, although bright are nonthermal and comforting.
Spectrum of wavelegnths
Wavelegnth is expressed in nanometers (nm) and is visible from around 400 - 750nm. From 750-1500nm is invisible and is defines as near-infrared light.
How light therapy works
Mitochondria are the batteries or the powerhouses of cells, they produce the energy for the cells. When the body absorbs the light it then can be used to build new proteins and help with cellular regeneration. PBM is a noninvasive, noncarcinogenic therapy that provides therapeutic healing to many medical conditions, for example open wound care for diabetic patients. It helps the healing from the outside where its the most difficult to heal. Even though a body part may not be fully exposed to the light directly there is a systemic effect that the light can be transferred to other unexposed parts of the body through photochemical reaction.
Clinical and wellness applications
PBM is also used in wellness and cosmetic therapies. After all, it does stimulate cell and tissue growth. Many researchers have referred light therapy to being able to restore the cells to homeostasis. A relaxing state of being is felt with therapeutic therapy along with usable calm energy. As for clinical uses, at the cellular level it provides an anti- inflammatory effect, increased stem cell activity, synthesis of extracellular matrix, tissue repair on muscles and nerves, healing of bones and wounds, hair growth and skin rejuvenation and collagen production!
As we deal with life and health issues and tackling ones willingness to make lifestyle changes. We have learned that not only fixing the problem but looking into the future for any unexpected ailments that could arise, prevention care for early detection is the key.
references: Low-level light therapy, photobiomodulation tutorial text by Michael R. Hamblin; Platinum LED therapy light; photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) Juanita J. Anders, Ph.D.